I've always loved this song but hadn't heard it in probably a decade or more. Then this May I was visiting my sister and she was playing an old playlist I'd made for her and, boom, there it was. Funny how things come in waves! Hearing it also prompted an Aimee Mann phase of sorts :) Great song, great post

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Yeah, Aimee Mann is the best. I've written about her already but I'm likely to do it again. I was excited to find the audio clip of her singing "No Myth" for the post. Thanks for reading!

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Aimee Mann is on my list of 6 interesting people (alive or passed on) that Iā€™d love to have a beverage and chat with around a table.

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Ha- funny that your list is 6! Was it 5 and then you had to add a sixth? I predict it will be 10 by yearā€™s end...;)

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Same six - Aimee Mann, John Prine, Tracy Chapman, Townes Van Zandt, Iris Dement, Tom Waits - though as time went on I added Declan and Bob though theyā€™re refreshing beverages and waiting for one of the six to get up so they can take the seat....

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Well, Steve....foist things foist (Popeye's doing my typing today): As for "right in my wheelhouse," my guess (I haven't looked it up......yet) is it's a phrase originating in baseball. When a pitch is about belt level, and known to be right in the strike zone at a point the hitter has routinely sent screaming somewhere on the diamond (or over the fence, ideally), that pitch is said to have been "right in his wheelhouse."

Now, WHY wheelhouse, itself, well, that may actually be a turn-of-the-century (the previous one, like 1900) construct having to do either with a railyard turntable (have you seen THAT tonearm?), or the part of an engine that might contain gears and/or wheels in a housing.....well, I may be drifting here. So, look it up and see how close I was!šŸ˜‰

As for Penn, I do recall that song, and in that year, I was really only aware of radio hits and MTV output (being about 7 years away from being in "the biz"). I enjoyed the couple of songs (including this one) that I heard by him, and thought he was a gifted songwriter and singer, with a deft hand at melody. In short? "No Myth" is definitely a hit, far from being a mith.šŸ˜œ

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I had the song playing in my head before I finished reading the article's subtitle, if that tells you anything. lol. And "yes please!" to Penn and Mann making a record together. Doubly so if it's soundtrack work for a remake of Miami Vice.

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Or the remake of the remake of Miami Vice.

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I need one focusing on Gina, Switek, and Zito.

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