That was awesome.

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Thanks for reading, Kelly!

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I think my prior attempt at a comment didn't stick...so... You've got a different approach, for sure! For the record, I love the Cranberries, think Joni MItchell was a great songwriter but don't like her singing, and I can't listen to U2 (though I would love to see the Edge do an all instrumental album!) So, maybe I should write about U2? Thanks for the rec. I'm subscribing because I share your goal of building a music community, and besides, as Michelle just said, you are hilarious!

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Ha, thanks for subscribing, Charles! I agree with you about U2- can’t listen to them anymore. I’ll likely write about them in the coming months for sure! They do appear as Earworms despite my refusal to put on one of their albums. It’s surprising that neither the Edge or Bono have released solo albums yet (unless I’m mistaken).

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Steve Goldberg

Steeeve! You are HILARIOUS!!! I died reading your description of Thousand Island dressing and BBQ sauce making a baby or the lead vocalist's voice triggering your gag reflex. How on earth do you come up with this stuff?! Yet another epic piece, my friend. Made me think of the "zombie cello" scene from the movie Ode to Joy....


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I, too, share your marked disdain for all things cranberries, Steve. Never cared for the fruit, and would make an automatic Thanksgiving by-pass on nothing else but that, both growing up and today at friends' houses for T-giving. The band and "Zombie" I had already tossed aside, but grew to despise it even more from about 2015 to 2020, when I practically lived at nearby karaoke bars.

If alleged "singers" weren't constantly butchering "Livin' on a Prayer," "Don't Stop Believin,'" and "Royals," they were mistreating "Zombies," with many of them coming dangerously close to a couple of the notes. I'm happy to finally find a colleague who isn't shy in joining me in avoiding any berry that's cran!

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Your karaoke story makes me think of the video clip in Michelle’s comment above — which I only just learned about. You would think that bad karaoke versions of songs you already don’t like might be refreshing or oddly appealing, and sometimes that’s the case, but often it just makes it worse.

I found it fascinating that by writing about this song and a band I never liked I ended up appreciating them more than I ever had.

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I hear ya, bruh! Same for me and Linda Ronstadt on FR&B's recent "Inside Tracks" take on "Girls Talk"! I used to think her voice was shrill and strident, but listening to her cover of "GT" and a couple others from her "Mad Love" LP......could it be I was wr....wr.....wr.....(insert Fonzie voice here).....wrong about her this whole time? I'm willing to say "yes"! I certainly dig her "Girls Talk" more than I did 42 years ago!

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