Jun 13Liked by Steve Goldberg

I occasionally go for the toilet humor or sexual innuendo when reinterpreting lyrics of songs. But for me, for a couple decades, it would be changing lyrics to turn a plethora of songs (any song really) into odes to my cats, particularly when I was singing in the shower. I don’t think any of them ever fully appreciated my witty lyricism but they did seem to like hearing their names sung!

I also like to sing about random topics to the tune of any given song that comes to mind. One of the most fun parts for me is coming up with lyrics on the fly in the middle of singing, a kinda “Who’s Line Is It Anyway” style improv. I’ve come up with some absolutely fantastic gems over the years. Sometimes I wish I’d been recording (not that anyone else would appreciate them) just because the wordplay was so good (he said, humbly).

While I’m not a huge fan of comedies, a couple of the funniest scenes I can recall include toilet humor, particularly the Dumb and Dumber toilet scene (https://youtu.be/kK-2E4MTc3Y?si=tVRUHbJ6VPouI_b1) and the farting scene in The Nutty Professor, which for me is one of the most hilarious belly-laughing-so-hard-I-can’t-catch-my-breath scenes (https://youtu.be/B52L95xRYFs?si=gdL1zFhtSrVeBFw7). Eddie Murphy, in his various incarnations is absolute gold in that scene.

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Yeah - I change lyrics of songs into odes to my dog probably more often than I do pooping (or at least I combine the two). I wrote about this a while back but can't remember which post! Ha.

You can be sure that me and Brad Kyle would appreciate hearing your wordplay gems. I never saw Nutty Professor, so that was a fun one to get to see. Thanks for sharing your toilet humor movie scenes!

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You're so gonna unleash a world of Beatles Stans' pain here, Steve!

I'm chuckling though, so maybe worth it...

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Happy to help! You know the old saying, "No earworm, no gain!"

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The game idea is fire! I would totally buy it!

Just yesterday I was replacing lyrics and thinking I was a genius. But, do I remember the song or lyrics today? Nope LOL

I LOVE Sarah Silverman and Melissa McCarty!! I’m also juvenile af and love this kind of humor!!

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Most of the time I can't make out the original lyrics, so my brain substitutes, as all of us do. Enjoyable piece, Steve!

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by Steve Goldberg

Good ole Steve.....always the life of the potty! My history of transposing lyrics/making 'em up, etc, have more to do with clever (or not) wordplay and/or spoonerisms (many from Dad...hey, I had to laugh...he was the font of my free LP largesse for years)!! Let's see how many I can resurrect (some were simply just made up song titles). Imagine me and my brother (a year older) hearing some of these in the '60s (I was 10 in '65):

"June is Busting Out All Over, So June Better Get a Bigger Dress"

"I Can't Get Over You Babe, So Answer the Phone Yourself"

Not so much a song title: Shall we eat aboard the yacht or Dinah Shore?

And, he'd fill us in on Allan Sherman songs, and other funny or parody songs thru the decades, like:

"Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor on the Bedpost Overnight?"

"I've Got Tears in My Ears From Lying on My Back Crying in My Sleep Over You"

Picture it: late '80s, a Sunday morning in December: I'm a certified, professional youth minister in a Lutheran Church. Speaking of church, did you hear about the religious skunk who went to church and sat in his own pew?

Anyway, a handful of my high school youth groupers and myself were sharing a pew. The congregation began singing "Away in a Manger" (baseball fan that I was, and am, I always liked sticking an extra "a" in that last word, meaning absolutely nothing...."Away in a Manager"). I'd already more than "trained" my high schoolers in the magic of the spoonerism. In fact, I'd gifted several with a "Dain Bramaged" t-shirt the previous Christmas!

So, when we got to this part of the hymn's verse ("The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay"), I naturally went to spoonerizin', and whispered to one or two of my high schoolers, who made sure to pass it down...and, of course, we all know how hard it is to stifle a laugh in church, or any other place where silence is preferred: "The little Lord Jesus, a heap on the sleigh."

Bringing together the religious and the secular of the Holiday season! The perfect hymn!

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I knew I'd awaken the glory of your spoonerisms! A heaping serving spoonful! As you know, I use such spoons to eat my breakfast. Thanks for all the fun, the collabs and, as I like to call them, your groanerisms!

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Defs clicked on the link because of the emoji 🤣

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That was one of my updates to the piece! Good to see it worked on you!

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Jun 7Liked by Steve Goldberg

Well, here's Steve ... stirring up the shit about poop and pee.

I live for this stuff!

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I like my shit stirred, not shaken.

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Jun 7Liked by Steve Goldberg

My brother and I, inspired by Austin Tx’s own “Dung Beatles” (who put toilet humor in every song “Love me Doo (doo)”, “8 Shits a week”…you get the picture) go for the really REaLLy low hanging fruit versions like “I can’t poop. I want to poop bad, it’s driving me mad…” “Here comes the poop”. THAT low-hanging. Not clever at all, but SO UN-clever that it adds a layer of funny!

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Well, like Nigel Tufnel and David St. Hubbins once said:


I think you and your brother are lyrical switcheroo geniuses.

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Jun 7Liked by Steve Goldberg

Here here Nigel and David!!

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note for email readers: The Sarah Silverman video clip apparently had sharing turned off, so I found another audio-only clip that I have since replaced it with. Don't mess with the Poop Song apparently!

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