Need to add Hidden Brain to my list. Sounds right up my alley. Thanks for reco. I’m currently binging “Re:Thinking with Adam Grant” where the famed organizational psychologist talks to athletes, writers, actors, academics. entrepreneurs, etc. and probes their process for thinking and helps his listeners to learn to reframe their thinking and perspective taking

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I love Hidden Brain!

My top recommendation is Dolly Parton’s America.

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Yes! I listened to that one I think in late 2019 if I remember correctly. I know the time because I listened to it while on the Precor machine at the gym and I ended my membership in March of 2020 (like most of us -- and haven't stepped foot in a gym since...).

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Really enjoyed the Iggy 'cast! I generally don't listen to Podcasts, but it was fun listening to Ig reminisce about several decades ago!

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Glad you liked it! Join the podcast listener club -- everyone is doing it!

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Hey Steve, great picks! I happen to listen to Ezra and to Shankar semi-regularly. Just some practical info for your readers: Ezra is included with subscriptions to the New York Times, so if you read the Times you don't need a separate subscription. And Hidden Brain is syndicated to NPR for radio broadcast--not sure if it is available on all NPR stations but check in your area. You can also listen to the archived podcasts on the NPR website. I love listening to Hidden Brain on the radio when I have a long drive somewhere.

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I just listen to the podcasts on my podcast app. No need to try and catch anything live or subscribe to the NYTimes. The NPR site only archived Hidden Brain until I think 2020. You are so old school!:)

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I wasn't suggesting anyone subscribe to the Times just to get Ezra, but only letting folks know that if they get the Times already, Ezra comes included. And yes, I'm old school. I still listen to live radio in my car!

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I love Talk Easy, thanks to you Steve!

I’m also a huge fan of Debbie Millman’s epic podcast of 18 years, Design Matters. Interviews with creatives, thought leaders. She’s cares deeply about her subjects and does the research. Excellent recent interviews with Rick Rubin and Sarah Polley https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/design-matters-with-debbie-millman/id328074695?i=1000603914256

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Holy moly - 18 years? That's a lot of catching up to do!:) Rick Rubin sure is making the podcast rounds! No wonder he has little time to work on his own podcast! I heard him on a couple other ones recently (including Huberman Lab, which is excellent but way too long at 2 plus hours).

Thanks for the recommendation, Liz!

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I love Hidden Brain and Broken Record both!

Three I'd add to the list:

Abandoned Albums- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/abandoned-albums/id1600596605

Rockin' The Suburbs- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rockin-the-suburbs/id1164102724

Record Roulette- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/record-roulette/id1582828826

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Awesome! Thanks for the new podcasts to add to my list! I had only heard of Abandoned Albums before but haven't listened to it yet.

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