Great post. Get the earworms out!

What you said in the beginning about multitasking is so true. I am up at 4am every day when I’m writing the music and doing the art for PolyesterCity, otherwise, the temptation to multitask is too great to resist!

Thanks again for the fun post.

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Thanks for reading! Yeah I still do a form of multitasking all the time but it does damage my ability to pay attention.

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Maroon 5 suck. But I still like some of their songs. There I said it. And I feel much better. No gumption required for that one.

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yes, it goes against common opinion, but it is possible to think something sucks and still like bits of it

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Forest Gumption is pretty good, eh?

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The real-life conjuring of an epic Earworm, Steve! Nice! I found Gumption worthy of more listening, but I, too, stop short of heralding mad props on them quite yet. I'm sure you're aware of how and where they got their album title. If not, may my hero, Bugs, give you a reminder:


As for "Forest Gumption," both the person and the place, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to give them both the ole Gump shun....unless, of course, there's shrimp involved! Bravo, Steve👏

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stop pun ishing us...

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Never.........nyah ah ah!😈

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I had written a long reply and the friggin refresh made it disappear. Thanks for the bugs' reference! I hadn't known about that. You are a cultural signpost!

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Sorry to have missed the longer missive, Steve! Dang AI!! I always lean on my 3 life heroes, Bugs, Brian Wilson, and Quanah Parker! If I can't find a life lesson from one (or all three!) of these, I'm at a loss! I'd bet next week's Substack paycheck (what? They don't send one to YOU?) that you'd find that Bugs reference to be the band's inspiration for naming their album "Ultramaroon"...no interview needed!

I enjoy being a cultural signpost, except when dog walkers' charges lift their respective legs!😉

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What a great idea for a post! Lots of chuckles, thank you!

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Thanks for reading! The earworms have to find their way out or else they fester!:)

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