This was a lot of fun to read. And emotive, as well, the way you linked it with your sister. Beautiful.

I didn't know about spartan races but the name itself makes it clear it's not for the faint of heart 😅 Well done you.

As for exclamation points in song titles, Shania Twain comes to the rescue, with not one, but three song titles:

Man! I Feel Like a Woman!

Whatever You Do! Don't!

Waiter! Bring Me Water!

She loves using exclamation points in songs, so she was my first point of call (with Man! I Feel Like a Woman!), but I wasn't expecting to find two more songs in her repertoire with two non-consecutive exclamation points. Man! What a treat!

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Thanks, Andres! And thanks for the multiple Shania exclamation songs. That's! awesome! Maybe I should start adding exclamations between every word! Nah, too much work. Do they have Tough Mudders in England? It's a variation of Spartan Race, and might be more universal.

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You’re very! Welcome! 🤣

Oh yes I think I’ve heard of Tough Mudders. I love these no-nonsense names like Spartan Race or Tough Mudders. No fcking around!

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So far for me, this is probably the ultimate earworm. I'm not sure when I'd last heard it, but I read Brad Kyle's post and suddenly it was on full playlist rotation for a few days. And then it died out ... until your post. Now it's in my playlist for Monday's Bus - and I've played it so many times (usually in the car, singing along, fist-pumping and playing air guitar on the steering wheel) over the last week I'd be surprised if it doesn't end up as #1 on my Spotify Wrap at the end of the year! A brilliant, brilliant song. Ah! Leah! indeed.

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Thanks, Bryan. It is the ultimate earworm. In that it sticks in your head but you aren't tortured by it. Ha - I write about so many songs I imagine my Spotify wrapped will be 100 percent earworms.

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Although I did date a woman named Leah for two years in college, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard this song! Wish I’d known it as it would’ve provided all manner of entertainment!

Congrats on finishing a Spartan race, that’s awesome! It’s incredible what our bodies are capable of. Although I’m not, and will never be, a runner with my back and knee issues (and a total lack of desire), I never cease to be amazed in my long distance hiking exploits what my body can do for me.

As someone living in an older and little beaten up body I continue to feel grateful for my overall health and mobility as not everyone is so blessed.

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I have my own physical issues now that will likely keep me from ever being a runner again but it's all about adapting -- a skill that I find so essential as I age. I'm amazed at your hiking exploits from afar and am super excited to hear all about the upcoming adventures.

Also glad to have turned you on to an old rock classic!

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I silent laughed for a solid 2 minutes watching Mr. Octopus at the Baltimore airport. 😄 That’s super cool that you did the race.

The closest I got was a few 10k races- no obstacles, but in Texas heat with a doozy of a hill halfway through.

Love that song and happy to get the story behind it.

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My wife was an avid marathon runner at the time and I will admit that one motivating factor was that she would get to watch me cross the finish line instead of vice versa!:)

Running a 10k in Texas heat sounds hellish. Sacramento is the Texas of California (weather-wise), but in November it was pretty temperate if memory serves.

I did a road trip across the country a couple decades ago in a truck with a camper and went through Texas/Louisiana/Mississippi in July, which was kind of crazy as I slept in my car. I remember being drenched in sweat at all times. And the giant bugs.

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Great picks! Takes me back...

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As some of you may or may not know, my youngest daughter's first name is based on this song. Actually, both of my daughters first names came from music.

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what is your other daughter’s name? Layla? Roxanne? Okay I’ll stop guessing.

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Layla was going to be the name if we had a third daughter...lol

We went with a little know band called Saraya for our oldest daughter. They had a hit "Love has taken it's toll". Changed the spelling.

Ah Leah is pronounce the same, just changed the spelling a little.

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I just heard that Rick Beato’s kids’ names are Layla and Dylan. At least you were far less obvious with your choices!:)

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I have never been considered main stream....lol

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This is a favorite of a favorite coworker of mine. Anytime I hear it, it just reminds me of all the crazy things we used to get into after clocking out for the night.

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You are going to leave us hanging? You can’t just say “crazy things” and not give an example!:)

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Ah! Leah! Ah! Donnie Iris! Loved the song at the time Whatever happened to him? Did he get lost during a Spartan Race?!

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Ha! Read Brad's piece to find out! Actually, he links to a live concert performance of "Ah! Leah!" in his piece from only a couple of years ago. Donnie is 81 years old now and after more than a year dealing with cancer, is back on the road currently. Here's the show from Brad's article:


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Thanks, Steve! It was fun peeking behind the curtain as to how our "Ah! Leah!" piece came about....and, I was part of it!! I hope our readers appreciate hearing it, too!

You've earned The Golden Needles for knitting together, so seamlessly and entertainingly, the Iris song and your Spartan Race experience! I tried to put myself in your shoes (metaphorically, to be sure), and imagined doing something so grueling and challenging as a Spartan Race. But, then I realized the extent of my exercise routine begins and ends with my daily bouts of nursing grudges. Whew! I'm winded just typing that!

I look forward to our next collab, my left coast bruh!

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I'll take the Golden Needles -- my wife is a knitter and I could use a new hat. Unless you are just needling me about the needles. As long as you aren't noodling me, as I'm avoiding gluten currently.

I hope you get a few extra reads from the post -- I think most of my readers already subscribe to you!:) It was fun reliving the Spartan Race and watching far too many YouTube clips of the Japanese Ninja Warrior show.

Always fun to collab, Mr. Kyle!

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My new hobby is learning German.........so, let's give this a try: "Thank you very much, Steve! Good afternoon!"👉 "Vielen Dank, Steve! Gluten Tag!"

From your favorite Texan, born 'n' bread!

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Oh my god!! THIS song!! Annoyingly seductive or seductively annoying? And the pop-up Wack-a-Mole back up post chorus-so May have to steal that somehow and hide it in a song somewhere!!!

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I think both. That's what makes the perfect earworm! Seductively annoyingly seductive! Though for this one, the entire song is an earworm, including the guitar solo, which you ought to hide in a song as well! Thanks for reading, Britta!

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Brad's Musical IQ is off the charts.

And you, Steve, keep performing PsyOps on me with these earworms!

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Thanks, Jim! My never-ending plaudits, however, go to Steve, whose consistent ability to entertain with his life exploits merging with catchy songs has always been impressive to me! Color me not just a little envious, tbh! Write on, Steve!✊😊

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Jim, do you mean off the charts on the low end?😂

Brad, I think you came up with a great name for a band: The Exploiting Plaudits.

And if any of these songs don't perform PsyOps on you, Jim, I haven't done my job...

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