I got Magnolia on the brain!! Just saw it, and as you well know, it seeped into my last post! There are days when I’m blue, and so I pretend I am in a singing in a similar« Wise up » montage particular to my situation. Staring blankly before me while singing will be what I need to power through something...And then I get back to my ok self.

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Mmmmmmm love this one, steve!

“But that’s just one interpretation. My older, somewhat wiser self now wonders if the line “so just give up” might mean something more self-compassionate: an option to stop fighting so hard. “Giving up” equating to giving oneself a break.”

I love this thoughtful re-interpretation of her lyrics that comes from wisdom and a well-worn life, and I agree.

This is one of Bryan’s top movies - you two will have loads to unpack should we ever meet in person!

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Steve Goldberg

Great piece; I had forgotten how incredible Melora Walters is in Magnolia.

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This soundtrack came out while I was in college and I would listen to it on repeat while pulling all nighters finishing art projects. Between her and Jon Brion, the soundtrack game of this era was strong. Thanks for the memory (and the slight PTSD from those late night projects, lol.)

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How did you know that I listened to Save Me 🎵 on repeat this week? Was there something about “Somebody Somewhere” pondering that led to this song humming in my brain?

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